Latest Episodes
259: Cranberry Myths
Creepy trigger warning! We talk a bit about spiders. I don't like them either (TK) but it's worth it. We swear! If you google...
258: Quahog Wild
Aber-clam Lincoln is a 214 year old quahog clam (look, we don't make the dad jokes, we just share them). Did you know you...
257: Pruney Fingers
Are you Team Amy, who adores getting wrinkled fingers or are you on Team Trace, who can't STAND having pruney fingers because they're gross...
256: Coulrophobia
A fear of clowns is called coulrophobia. If you're like us, maybe you don't find clowns bone-chillingly scary but they still give you a...
255: Lost and Found Art
Art isn't just in museums! Sometimes it's hidden behind walls, inside a piece of furniture, or sadly, in a dumpster. Today we explore the...
254: Revisiting Weird Animals
We've talked wombats and binturongs before but we've learned MORE and had to share! Past episodes: 244: Stinky Critters for binturong and 34: Wombat...