Latest Episodes
34: Wombat Poop
It’s there and it’s square. And now we know why.
33: Annoying People
Welcome to the wonderful world of Brain Storms. Short, funny and TO THE POINT. Today is brought to you by those people who make...
32 Nostalgia Trip (Seat belts? Cigarette vending machines? Bring it on!)
We’re going back to the 70s, 80s, & 90s. Don’t worry kids, It’ll totally explain why your parents are the way they are.
31: Badass Women (Pirates, opera singers & scientists…oh my!)
We fell down a Pinterest hole and found a whole bunch of women who we’d NEVER heard about in history classes. Ching Shih, an...
31: Badass Women (Pirates, opera singers & scientists...oh my!)
We fell down a Pinterest hole and found a whole bunch of women who we'd NEVER heard about in history classes. Ching Shih, an...
30: Stuff We’d Like to Try (This would go great with Thanksgiving leftovers)
Why wait to do those things on your “bucket list”? Amy got us both thinking about things we haven’t done, but would love to...