Latest Episodes

31: Badass Women (Pirates, opera singers & scientists…oh my!)
We fell down a Pinterest hole and found a whole bunch of women who we’d NEVER heard about in history classes. Ching Shih, an...

31: Badass Women (Pirates, opera singers & scientists...oh my!)
We fell down a Pinterest hole and found a whole bunch of women who we'd NEVER heard about in history classes. Ching Shih, an...

30: Stuff We’d Like to Try (This would go great with Thanksgiving leftovers)
Why wait to do those things on your “bucket list”? Amy got us both thinking about things we haven’t done, but would love to...

29: Social Conventions (Face the rear of the elevator while riding. You'll freak people out.)
Why do we do the things we do while in public? Simple actions like using the restroom or riding the bus get a lot...

28: MORE Outtakes! (And Amy only said the sh*t word once!)
Round two of bloopers. This time there is one swear…way at the end and after the outro. If you want to miss it (and...

27: Halloween (Boo!)
The episode is FUN SIZE this week! Hand me that tiny Snickers bar and let’s have a listen to a fright night science experiment...