During the 13th century, in the part of the world that would become Germany, husbands and wives could settle marital disagreements with an elaborate battle that used clubs and rocks. It was a drastic argument resolution of last resort. Amy explains all.
Show Notes:
In 1476 Hans Talhoffer wrote a manual on various kinds of combat. One of his chapters had illustrations with examples of men and women dueling. It is thought that his depictions of marital duels were common but by no means universal.
Luckily, we found a video where you can see his illustrations in action.
From the 1960s to the early 2000s, if you needed to make sensitive equipment like a Geiger counter or even sensing equipment for hospital...
While baby Egyptian fruit bats start life getting carried around, once they get too heavy, their mothers leave them in a cave while they...
We’re not gonna tell you what’s in this episode. It’s SO much better if it’s a surprise.