Here we all thought the drive-thru window was something new and innovative. And it was…in Pompeii in 79AD. Back in the day the Romans and Greeks and probably other large civilizations had walk up restaurants that catered to busy citizens. We dive into the cool history of thermapolia and early fast food.
(FYI thermapolia is plural and thermapolium is singular. Gotta love that Latin)
An undated photo made shows the thermopolium in the Pompeii archeological park.—APMost headstones have a person's name, some significant dates and maybe a quote. But imagine if your family made it possible for you to...
We’re not gonna tell you what’s in this episode. It’s SO much better if it’s a surprise.
Call them, donuts, or doughnuts, or olykoeks, or pete de souer, they are deep fried doughy goodness and we’re taking an entire episode to...