This episode is probably not safe for work. Could your middle schooler listen and giggle like only a 12-year-old could? Certainly. But we’re marking it explicit so you don’t accidentally have your littles listening to something you aren’t ready for.
Amy got to wondering: what’s out there in the plant world that looks like something besides your garden variety flower. And she landed on the Naked Man Orchid (of course she did).
Creative Commons 2.0 License for some of the images
Naked Man Orchid
Hooker’s Lips
(NSFW) Peter’s Pepper: you’re going to have to look that one up yourself
The Angel Orchid
Dancing Girl Impatiens Image Copyright:
Laughing Bumblebee Orchid
Also look for the: Ballerina Orchid, The Happy Alien, Swaddled babies, Flying Duck Orchid, Dove Orchid, White Egret Orchids
Snap Dragon Skulls
Show Notes:
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