To celebrate our 200th episode, we’re going back to 1822 to share cool facts from two-hundred years ago!
Listen in to a cornucopia of historical cooking, human experimentation, the discovery of stork migration, general Amy and Trace wackiness, one of the earliest versions of a computer, and MORE.
We appreciate you Brain Junkies so much! Enjoy the show.
Check out The Cook and Housekeeper’s Complete and Universal Dictionary
Researcher Sridhar Ravi of UNSW Canberra looks to the humble bumblebee to answer questions about how to program a more nimble drone. The way...
This episode was a struggle-and-a-half to get into the world. It was one of the first we recorded remotely because of COVID19 and I...
We fell down a Pinterest hole and found a whole bunch of women who we'd NEVER heard about in history classes. Ching Shih, an...