If you follow XKCD you know the author, Randall Monroe, applies science to absurd questions. One of those questions had to do with the possibility of soccer ball size hail. Cover up with your steel umbrella and listen to find out if it's actually possible!
XKCD you should take a look!
images from Pixabay
A bonded pair of male penguins make for unexpectedly great foster parents! Holiday Penguins Transcript: AB:Welcome to Brain Junk, I’m Amy Barton, TK: And...
Trace here: I've got one arm trapped under a grumpy old-man-cat named Jack. Jack does not care about science or glowing glass or the...
In WWI and WWII women were super sneaky and ingenious using their yarn and knitting needles to covertly transport coded messages. That’s right, today...