We've plucked a bunch of random facts from the junk drawer! Tree rings, platypusary, and death by salt are just a few of the super cool facts curated for your ears!
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Show Notes:
Funny thing, Trace used articles from C&EN news but some of those articles aren't available to the "general public". We've got links to other sources covering the information!
Platypusary: Blend of platypus + nursery, coined by Australian naturalist Henry Burrell (1873–1945), the first person who succeeded in constructing a functioning platypusary.
Chrysippus may have died from laughing at his own joke: Wikipedia
Assassins' teapot: YouTube
Old old water and one crazy scientist
Like how old? over a million years YIKES
Medical News Today and just how much salt is too much
Osmoregulation and bull sharks: You might've swum in a lake with one!
More bull sharks!
It’s Spring Break over at Brain Junk! We’re taking the week off and bringing you one of our oldie but goodies: #21 Grab Bag....
You might think you’re special because you can flex your nostrils or flap your ears–but it turns out that there is a person out...
Absorbing oxygen through their “skin” and pumping blood with their guts, the Giant Sea Spider isn’t a true spider, but it’s close. Too close...