We've plucked a bunch of random facts from the junk drawer! Tree rings, platypusary, and death by salt are just a few of the super cool facts curated for your ears!
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Show Notes:
Funny thing, Trace used articles from C&EN news but some of those articles aren't available to the "general public". We've got links to other sources covering the information!
Platypusary: Blend of platypus + nursery, coined by Australian naturalist Henry Burrell (1873–1945), the first person who succeeded in constructing a functioning platypusary.
Chrysippus may have died from laughing at his own joke: Wikipedia
Assassins' teapot: YouTube
Old old water and one crazy scientist
Like how old? over a million years YIKES
Medical News Today and just how much salt is too much
Osmoregulation and bull sharks: You might've swum in a lake with one!
More bull sharks!
In 1532 the Spanish found out what everyone in South America already knew--potatoes are amazing. But when they brought them back to Europe the...
In WWI and WWII women were super sneaky and ingenious using their yarn and knitting needles to covertly transport coded messages. That’s right, today...
We’re going back to the 70s, 80s, & 90s. Don’t worry kids, It’ll totally explain why your parents are the way they are.