Looking for a more creative way to insult that guy who cut in front of you in the coffee line? Try some 15th century flyting to use your poetry skills and mince him into tiny pieces. Or, maybe you’d rather try a few choice Yo Mama jokes? If you’re feeling particularly daring, you could moon him. Just remember, it’s not our fault if the barista kicks you out of the coffee house.
Learn about all that and more in this episode of Brain Junk.
A fear of clowns is called coulrophobia. If you're like us, maybe you don't find clowns bone-chillingly scary but they still give you a...
From poker to games played to pass the time, those 52 cards are so ubiquitous it's hard to figure just when we started using...
We recorded IN PERSON! Trace brought back a whole bunch of fun flavored chips from Uwajimaya, a fantastic Asian grocery store in Seattle! Check...