Looking for a more creative way to insult that guy who cut in front of you in the coffee line? Try some 15th century flyting to use your poetry skills and mince him into tiny pieces. Or, maybe you’d rather try a few choice Yo Mama jokes? If you’re feeling particularly daring, you could moon him. Just remember, it’s not our fault if the barista kicks you out of the coffee house.
Learn about all that and more in this episode of Brain Junk.
Nothing like rubbing yourself down with snakeskin jerky to keep yourself from getting eaten. Today we check out the parallel evolution of the California...
Don’t be shy, ladies and gentlemen! I stand before you with the 8th wonder of the world, Brain Junk Elixir. Sure to cure your...
In 1532 the Spanish found out what everyone in South America already knew--potatoes are amazing. But when they brought them back to Europe the...