Latest Episodes
304: The Wrong Wipe
If you haven't figured it out by now, Amy is not afraid to ask tough questions! Today she talks butt health, bidets, and the...
303: The Birds!
Trace found some delightful random facts about birds! Today we're talking "anting", talons locked to the death, and musical cockatoos. Show Notes: Journal of...
302: Potato Chip Taste Test
We recorded IN PERSON! Trace brought back a whole bunch of fun flavored chips from Uwajimaya, a fantastic Asian grocery store in Seattle! Check...
301: Pregnancy & Pee
From wheat to mice to rabbits won't believe the techniques we've used to determine if a woman is pregnant. The history of detecting...
300th Episode!!!!!
We're officially pros now right?!?! We dug deep into the internet's brain junk drawer for a random smash-up of whatever facts tickled our fancy....
299: Master of Magic
We might quit Brain Junk and run off to the University of Exeter for their brand new Masters program in MAGIC. Not Hogwarts (darn)...