Latest Episodes
301: Pregnancy & Pee
From wheat to mice to rabbits won't believe the techniques we've used to determine if a woman is pregnant. The history of detecting...
300th Episode!!!!!
We're officially pros now right?!?! We dug deep into the internet's brain junk drawer for a random smash-up of whatever facts tickled our fancy....
299: Master of Magic
We might quit Brain Junk and run off to the University of Exeter for their brand new Masters program in MAGIC. Not Hogwarts (darn)...
298: Pomology: Fruits, yo!
Apologies for the sound quality. Trace solemnly swears this is our last Zoom recorded episode. In 1886, the US government decided it was time...
297: Pedestrianism
Hold onto your top hats, we're striding into the historical world of competitive race walking! Can you even imagine walking 1000 miles in 1000...
296: Diving Bell Ships
Go look up the Carl Straat diving bell ship. It's insane to think that it's possible for people to walk on the bottom of...