155: Gallon of PB&J

March 23, 2021 00:04:53
155: Gallon of PB&J
Brain Junk
155: Gallon of PB&J

Mar 23 2021 | 00:04:53


Hosted By

Trace Kerr Amy Barton

Show Notes

What if we burned calories the same way cars use gas for fuel? Amy fell down the comparison hole trying to figure out the “car calories” for humans in motion. Get your bicycles tuned up, make a gallon of bananas, and get ready to RIDE!

Show notes:

How Stuff Works-Questions-Gallon of Gas in Calories.

Riding a bicycle at 15 miles per hour burns 0.049 calories per pound per minute. 175-pound person burns 515 calories in an hour-about 34 calories per mile.

A gallon of gasoline contains about 31,000 calories. If a person could drink gasoline, then a person could ride about 912 miles on a gallon of gas normal car gets about 30 miles per gallon

One gallon of vegetable oil: 31,744 

Tour de France riders hitting more like 25 mph

100 calories per mile versus more sedate 34 calories per mile.

100 mile race consumes between 8,000-10,000 calories

TDF racer would only get about 300 miles to the gallon.

A gallon of some other stuff:

I mathed out the calories in an ounce and added up-if you’re listening and my math is a little off, you’ll know why. 

Gatorade: 896 calories

Banana: 3200

Clif Bar: 13,824 

Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich: 12,800

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