What is that weird smell? It’s called trimethylamine (TMA) and for most of us it stinks like rotten fish. For a small percentage of people it smells very different. The reason is in your genes.
Rosa Gisladottir and Kari Stefansson at deCODE Genetics in Reykjavik and their colleagues scoured the DNA of more than 11,000 people in Iceland for genetic variants that influence odor perception. Here’s the link for the paper
Can a cuttlefish master a test that very young children often struggle to pass? Instead of using marshmallows like we do with people, scientists...
Happy New Year! Welcome to our funniest episode yet. Scientists avert international tension between Sweden and Russia, learn something we didn't know about herring,...
Just like sea horse dads, some poison dart frog dads take a hand in helping to raise their children. We talk about a Stanford...